Hi. I'm Atahar Mansur

Talukder Dip.

I am currently working as Database Admin in Akij_Group_Ltd. Over 2+ years of experience as a SQL DBA. Strive to bring creativity to problem-solving and have strong time management and organizational skills. Communicate with diplomacy and tact, and work to provide strong customer service focused attitude Responsible for Interviewing, evaluating, training, and developing junior SQL DBA team members.

Learn about what I do

Here's my skills.

I have minimum 3 year experience in each skill.

Database Admin

MSQL database server configuring, Activity monitoring, Performance monitoring, Backup, Restore, Migration, Disaster Recovery.

Data Analyst & Engineer

Report/PowerBI server configuring, Complex SQL Queries, Stored Procedure, SSRS, SSIS, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Power BI.

Back End Developer

ASP.net MVC, ASP.net Core, API, Flutter, C#, JAVA, C++, Android studio, Visual Studio, Hadoop Clustering, Spark, Hbase.

Here's some of my skill certificates.

I achieved these certificates with proper skill training and examination.

Here’s some stuff I made recently.

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Have me make stuff for you.

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